Project Name


Appsoma started when Zack Simpson, a long time programmer and self-taught bioinformatician at the University of Texas, noticed that his colleagues were struggling to create apps to process huge genetic data. They needed the power of big data processing combined with the flexibility of event processing. Each app needed to be small, written by data scientists, but the complexity was overwhelming! Zack connected with Ken, then at PayPal, and they noticed a trend. PayPal Apps faced similar struggles, as did Magento Connect. Everyone needed easy event processing and dependent batch processing, all centrally managed with custom environments that could co-exist with each other. As Mesos and then Docker emerged, the path became clear. Now Appsoma enables nearly any company with unique data to develop incremental revenue, new lines of business, or increased brand value with Appsoma's distributed kernel.
  • Front end React , Boot Strap , Redux
  • Backend Node.js , Express , Mango DB, MySQL , Swagger Doc
  • Code Quality Tool ES Lint , Prettier, Husky